What is Family Care

Family Care is a program within Residential Settings that provides a unique living situation for the people AIM serves. Through Family Care, people with disabilities are given the opportunity to live with a family within the community. “It’s very family centered. The whole purpose of the program is to have an individual who is looking…
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Spring Clean Up with Community Friends

spring clean up! the gang helps setting up a wood fence

AIM Services, Inc. has a long-standing relationship with Rebuilding Together Saratoga of working together to beautify AIM Residential Settings and other homes in the community. As well, Saratoga Casino Hotel has supported AIM Services, Inc. with grants and other donations over the years. When given the opportunity to come together for a project, it was a…
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Questioning The Past

When Will was a child he had a seizure that caused him to fall and damage some of his teeth. From that point on, Doctors ordered Will to wear a helmet anytime he was awake, unless he was sitting or lying down. Will, now 29 years old, along with his support team came together to…
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Advocate and Intern

woman smiles while working on her laptop

Meet Emily and read her autobiography below, Emily currently lives with her parents and two sisters in Cambridge, NY. She enjoys creating all kinds of art and spending time with family and friends. She receives services through AIM enabling her to be in the community to do things like shopping, art classes, or going to…
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